Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

South Korea’s request to Russia regarding North Korea

By Dec 13, 2023
South Korea's request to Russia regarding North KoreaSouth Korea's request to Russia regarding North Korea

South Korea’s: Seoul stated that there are clear signs of Pyongyang and Moscow working together militarily.

A senior South Korean official stated on Tuesday that Russia ought to support the imposition of fresh sanctions due to North Korea’s recent launch of a spy satellite and uphold the current prohibitions on the export of labor from the isolated nation.

The minister for unification and inter-Korean relations for South Korea, Kim Yung-ho, stated that Pyongyang’s use of ballistic technology was prohibited by resolutions passed by the U.N. Security Council, but that Russia has been extremely passive in not taking further action against Pyongyang. The satellite launch last month violated those resolutions.

Kim stated that Pyongyang and Moscow are showing clear signs of military cooperation, and Seoul is investigating whether Russia has taken in more North Korean laborers against the wishes of U.N. resolutions.

He told a news conference that Russia must faithfully carry out its sanctions resolutions as a permanent member of the Security Council.

The North received Russian assistance for the satellite launch, which was its third attempt after two failed attempts, according to a report released by South Korea’s intelligence agency last month.

North Korea has sent hundreds of construction and other workers to the Russian Far East in order to earn foreign currency after leader Kim Jong Un’s unusual trip to Russia in September, the Donga Ilbo newspaper of South Korea reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed government officials.

In addition, Minister Kim called on China to uphold international standards by refraining from forcibly repatriating North Korean defectors and to take a more active role in sanctioning North Korea for its weapons development.

Up to 600 North Koreans may have vanished after being deported by China in October, according to South Korean activists last week. This may be the largest mass repatriation of that kind to occur in recent memory.

Kim added that Kim Jong Un’s daughter Kim Ju Ae’s growing public engagements and formalities may be an attempt to set the stage for a potential future succession.

He stated that since making her public debut in November 2022, she has made 19 appearances in state media, primarily joining her father at military functions.

The possibility of her becoming a successor cannot be ruled out, Kim stated. “They may be attempting to demonstrate their commitment to a fourth-generation hereditary succession by bringing her to the public eye so early on.

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