Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A(370): What is Pakistan’s response to the abrogation of Article 370

A(370) What is Pakistan's response to the abrogation of Article 370A(370) What is Pakistan's response to the abrogation of Article 370

A(370): The Supreme Court unanimously upheld the Centre government’s August 2019 decision to repeal Article 370 on Monday.

Pakistan said on Monday that India’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the repeal of Article 370 has “no legal value,” claiming that international law does not recognize New Delhi’s “unilateral and illegal actions” on August 5, 2019.

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld the Centre government’s August 2019 decision to repeal Article 370, which granted the former state of Jammu and Kashmir special status.

India’s unilateral and unlawful actions on August 5, 2019, are not recognized by international law. The Indian Supreme Court’s endorsement is not legally binding. Jalil Abbas Jilani, the acting foreign minister, stated that Kashmiris have an inalienable right to self-determination under the pertinent UN SC resolutions. – A(370)

Jilani stated that India has no right to make unilateral decisions on the status of this disputed territory in defiance of the wishes of Pakistan and the Kashmiri people during a press conference in Islamabad.

According to him, Pakistan categorically rejects the judgment announced by the Supreme Court of India on the status of Jammu and Kashmir.

He called it a travesty of justice that the courts were endorsing India’s unilateral and illegal actions.

He claimed that Jammu and Kashmir is a widely acknowledged conflict that has been on the UN Security Council’s agenda for more than 70 years. He declared The ultimate decision regarding Jammu and Kashmir must be made in line with the pertinent resolutions of the UN Security Council and in line with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Pakistan does not recognize the Indian Constitution’s supremacy over Jammu and Kashmir. Any procedure that is subservient to the Indian Constitution has no legal significance. “India cannot shirk its international obligations under the guise of domestic legislation and judicial decisions, he said.

Due to Pakistan’s involvement in cross-border terrorism and the Kashmir dispute, relations between India and Pakistan have frequently been tense. But after India revoked Article 370, Pakistan downgraded trade relations with India, expulsed its envoy, and their relations soured badly.

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