Sat. Jun 29th, 2024

Anitha Warning: No Revenge Mode, But They Will Be Disciplined

Anitha Warning: No Revenge Mode, But They Will Be DisciplinedAnitha Warning

Anitha Warning: In addition to being a member of the Telugu Desam Party Politburo and the party’s official spokeswoman for the past five years, she also serves as the president of Telugu Mahila, the cycle party’s women’s wing. Nevertheless, Anitha Vangalapudi, who comes from an SC community, dealt with the SC-ST Atrocities Act case in a Kadapa police station and continues to appear in court there. Should anything be decided upon at this time?

Anitha was overjoyed to receive the portfolio of the Home Minister for Andhra Pradesh. She expressed her gratitude towards CM Chandrababu Naidu and credited Pawan Kalyan for their alliance’s victory in the 2024 elections. However, despite her newfound power, she vowed not to seek revenge for the injustices of the previous YS Jagan regime.

As an ex-MLA and a politburo member, I’ve experienced firsthand the obstacles placed by the previous rulers, Anitha explained. “They never allowed me inside the DCP office. When I sought to meet SP rank officers to address women’s issues, they sidelined me to meet with just an SI and a Constable. But I made a promise to myself then – one day, I would return to the DCP office with the proper respect and protocol.

Today, she proudly declared, I stand here as the Home Minister. But my aim isn’t vengeance; it’s about rectifying past wrongs and ensuring justice for all.  -Anitha Warning

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We have no intention of exacting revenge on the officials and leaders who have previously mistreated the general populace. However, if we leave them unsupervised, they’re going to grow into bigger threats, so we’ll teach them culture and discipline, Anitha continued. We’ll see what transpires today, but she promised back then to look into the situation involving Kodali Nani and Vijaysai Reddy should she have become Home Minister.

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