Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Pawan Kalyan: Central or State Minister?

Pawan Kalyan: Central or State Minister?Pawan Kalyan: Central or State Minister?

Pawan Kalyan: The upcoming 2024 elections carry significant weight for Pawan Kalyan, both in terms of his leadership within the Janasena party and on a personal level. Expectations are high for him to reverse the unfavorable outcome of 2019 and secure victory in the electoral polls by any means necessary this time around.

Pawan seems acutely aware of the significance of this upcoming election and has carefully crafted his electoral strategy. It’s highly likely that the Janasena leader will run for both MLA and MP positions this year. While numerous media outlets suggest his probable candidacy in the Kakinada Lok Sabha constituency, uncertainty remains regarding his choice of assembly constituency.

In contrast to 2019, when Pawan depended solely on the Janasena Party (JSP), he now enjoys additional electioneering and campaigning resources with the support of TDP and BJP. This alliance makes it increasingly probable for him to secure victory in the Kakinada Lok Sabha seat and whichever assembly constituency he chooses, benefitting from the added backing of the TDP and BJP.

Realistically, Pawan is almost certain to be offered a cabinet position, whether at the state or central level. However, following his recent meeting in Delhi with prominent BJP figures, there are reports suggesting that Pawan received assurances of a spot in the central cabinet if he secures victory as an MP.

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Pawan Kalyan: Central or State Minister?

Regardless of the circumstances, Pawan is guaranteed to secure victory in at least one constituency, if not both. If he emerges triumphant as both an MP and an MLA, he would have the option to choose either a state ministry or a central ministry within the NDA government. Given the high esteem in which he is held by both Chandrababu and the BJP high command, his inclusion in either the state or central cabinet is inevitable.

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