Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Manmohan Singh: Final Day of Political Career For Silent PM

Manmohan Singh: Final Day of Political Career For Silent PMManmohan Singh: Final Day of Political Career For Silent PM

Manmohan Singh: Ninety-one-year-old Manmohan Singh, often referred to as the Silent PM, is set to retire from politics on Wednesday, April 3rd. This marks the conclusion of his illustrious 33-year-long political journey.

Despite serving as an impeccable Prime Minister for a full decade, Manmohan Singh’s departure from politics seems to pass unnoticed by many.

During his tenure as Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh was a relied-upon figure by former AICC president Sonia Gandhi. However, despite his significant contributions, his departure from politics seems to have gone largely unnoticed.

Politics is a realm where unexpected developments unfold daily. While some individuals tirelessly strive but never ascend to prominence, others unexpectedly rise to power within a few years of entering the arena, surprising many.

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, known as an intellectual as well as a political leader, has served as a Member of Parliament for over three decades.

His retirement on April 3 signals the end of his tenure, with slim prospects of being re-elected as a Rajya Sabha MP. Coupled with his advancing age, the Congress party‘s challenges in reclaiming power at the Centre further cement the conclusion of his illustrious political career.

Nevertheless, he will be fondly remembered as the architect of Indian Economic Reforms. Singh played a pivotal role during his tenure as the Union Finance Minister in PV Narasimha Rao’s government.

In October 1991, he was admitted to the Rajya Sabha. From 2004 to 2014, he served the nation as Prime Minister, diligently fulfilling his responsibilities to the people.

While criticism suggests that he remained somewhat of a ‘puppet’ in Sonia Gandhi’s hands during the UPA coalition, Singh endeavored to steer the country towards progress within the confines of his role as Prime Minister.

Singh was not known for vocalizing his thoughts and ideas openly. Despite his reserved nature, he displayed a steadfast determination to implement economic reforms that he believed would undoubtedly drive the nation’s growth forward. He did not shy away from making tough decisions, especially when it came to liberalizing the country’s economy.

Also Read: Boxer Vijender Singh

Singh is one of the 54 MPs who will conclude their tenure either on April 2nd or 3rd.

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