Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Joe Biden describes Donald Trump as not a “Navalny” and labels Vladimir Putin a “crazy SOB.”

Joe Biden describes Donald Trump as not a "Navalny" and labels Vladimir Putin a "crazy SOB."Joe Biden describes Donald Trump as not a "Navalny" and labels Vladimir Putin a "crazy SOB."

Joe Biden: At a heated San Francisco fundraiser, Joe Biden lashes out at Vladimir Putin, calling him a “crazy SOB,” and he challenges Donald Trump’s comparison to Navalny.

During a fundraising event in San Francisco on Wednesday, President Joe Biden launched a blistering attack on both Russian President Vladimir Putin and his former opponent, Donald Trump. Biden labeled Putin as a “crazy SOB” and expressed disbelief at Trump’s comparison of himself to the late Russian dissident, Alexey Navalny.

Biden claimed that there was always a risk of nuclear war from Putin and similar dictators.

We are dealing with individuals like Putin, who’s completely erratic, and others, and the constant concern is nuclear conflict, Biden remarked. He further criticized Trump, his potential opponent in the upcoming presidential election, for comparing himself to Navalny, who tragically passed away after being poisoned and incarcerated by the Kremlin.

Biden remarked, “I don’t know where the hell this comes from.”

“It amazes me what people are saying. I mean, if I stood here ten, fifteen years ago and said something like this, you’d all think I was insane.”

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It was a component of the San Francisco fundraising.

The fundraiser was part of Biden’s three-day journey to the West Coast, which also included appearances in Southern and Northern California. According to sources, his campaign raised $130 million by the end of January.

Trump compares himself to Navalny

Trump made an appearance on a Fox News town hall on Tuesday night, expressing sympathy for Navalny’s situation and asserting that he had experienced comparable political persecution. He claimed that his opponents were the reason behind his own four criminal indictments and that Navalny’s death was a “very sad situation.” Neither the ongoing invasion of Ukraine nor Putin’s involvement in Navalny’s killing were criticized by him.

Meanwhile, the White House declared on Friday that it would present a “major sanctions package” against Russia in response to Navalny’s killing and the country’s continuous aggression in Ukraine. The sanctions would supplement the current restrictions against Putin’s administration.

However, due to party disagreements, Congress has failed to approve more funding for Ukraine. This week, the House of Representatives is not in session.





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