6 September 2024

Karnataka bans hookah bars and the use of tobacco products in public places under the new Bill

Karnataka bans hookah bars and the use of tobacco products in public places under the new Bill

Karnataka bans hookah bars and the use of tobacco products in public places under the new Bill

Karnataka bans hookah: The ban was implemented following revisions to the existing Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), aimed at safeguarding the health of citizens and curbing the prevalence of tobacco-related diseases.

In a bid to prioritize public health, Karnataka has enforced a comprehensive ban on the consumption of tobacco products in public areas and hookah bars across the state. This decisive measure is accompanied by stringent penalties aimed at deterring violators. Individuals caught flouting the regulation face severe consequences, including the possibility of imprisonment spanning from one to three years. Additionally, hefty fines of up to Rs 1 lakh are levied on offenders as a deterrent against non-compliance. The ban underscores the government’s commitment to combatting the adverse effects of tobacco use and promoting a healthier environment for its citizens. Such proactive measures align with global efforts to reduce tobacco-related harm and safeguard public well-being. By implementing these measures, Karnataka seeks to foster a culture of responsibility and accountability towards public health concerns. This ban serves as a crucial step towards creating smoke-free environments and mitigating the risks associated with tobacco consumption.

Moreover, the state has banned the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco items to individuals under 21 years old. As per the updated legislation, the operation of hookah bars is forbidden regardless of their designation. This holistic approach aims to curb various forms of tobacco consumption, prioritizing public health. These measures highlight Karnataka’s commitment to fostering a safer, healthier environment for its populace. – Karnataka bans hookah

Operating a hookah bar can result in a minimum 1-year jail sentence and a maximum 3-year sentence. Additionally, there is a ₹50,000 minimum fine and a ₹1 lakh maximum fine.

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