Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Israeli envoy slams Soros for funding Hamas-linked NGOs at UN.

By Dec 4, 2023
Israeli envoy slams Soros for funding Hamas-linked NGOs at UN.Israeli envoy slams Soros for funding Hamas-linked NGOs at UN.

Israeli envoy: Israel’s UN representative strongly criticizes billionaire activist George Soros, accusing him of injecting $15 million into non-governmental organizations that support the Hamas militant group.

In a Fox News report, Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan denounces George Soros’s contributions to groups aiming for Israel’s destruction as ‘shameful.’

According to the Israeli ambassador, these initiatives have consistently lacked a genuine commitment to achieving lasting peace or resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. – Israeli envoy

BDS, which stands for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign against the Jewish state, has been officially labeled as an antisemitic movement by the parliaments of Germany and Austria.

Hamas has been classified as a foreign terrorist organization by the US and the EU.

According to a New York Post story from last month, George Soros has given over $15 million to organizations that support Hamas’ agenda and are anti-Israel.

The Open Society Foundations (OSF) of George and Alexander Soros gave the Tides Center in California a donation of $13.7 million. The Adalah Justice Project, which shared a picture of a bulldozer tearing down Israel’s security fence on Instagram the day of Hamas’ horrific massacre, is allegedly supported by the NGO, according to Fox News.

Soros criticized the US and Israeli governments for failing to acknowledge Hamas as the rightful government of the Gaza Strip in an article he wrote for the US-based Financial Times in 2007.

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), an NGO that claimed Israel was responsible for the violence in the area following Hamas’ October 7 attack, has received funding from OSF. According to the JVP, the source of all this violence consisted of Israeli apartheid and occupation and the United States’ complicity in that oppression.

Since 2017, the JVP has received at least $650,000 in funding from Soros’ OSF.

The Fox News report went on to say that Soros’ OSF funds shadowy Jewish non-governmental organizations (NGOs) whose goal is to use their Jewish heritage to transform criticism of Israel (and support for terrorism) into a politically and socially acceptable campaign.

Soros’s son Alex is now in charge of his father’s $25 billion fortune.

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