In a harrowing incident, an Air India pilot, Srishti Tuli, ended her life by suicide in Mumbai's Powai area. Reports reveal that Srishti was subjected to prol...
In particular, some unusual activities done by a Nagasadhu Aghori sitting beside the Bestam Pond graveyard at Warangal City recently have created a lot of sen...
A tragic incident took in Guntur on Friday the 22nd of November when the armed reserve (AR) constable Vamsi Srinivas was said to have taken his life. Constabl...
The Indian public’s awareness has been drawn to its investigation following reports of adulteration of ghee used in preparing the Tirumala SRIVARI Laddu Prasa...
In an alarming incident, cybercriminals attempted to scam a stock exchange employee, Nageswara Rao, from Tadigadapa in the Penamalur Mandal of Krishna Distric...
A tragic incident unfolded at a government school in Mallipattanam, Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, where a young man stabbed a teacher to death in the school...